The Vintage Source

Fine and Funky Vintage+Antiques+Decor

A one-weekend-a-month venue serving up vintage, antique, painted, salvage, mid-century, rustic, good old stuff.

You like old stuff. We like old stuff.

You love the smell of old wood, barns and fresh flowers. Your heart races when you see "flea market today". You slam the brakes, and the kids in the back seat, when you see an estate sale sign. We are with you 100%.

So how can we help you with your vintage obsession? We find the vintage goods, breathe love and style back into them then provide them for you in a fun, one-weekend-a-month venue where you can shop at affordable prices and then get the kids to soccer.

Rules of Engagement

Sorry, you can't buy NEW INVENTORY, early. Folks line up to get what they want on that 3rd weekend (or other scheduled weekends), BUT after that you can shop our FB page, IG, or by appointment of whatever we have left. Sounds great, right?! We post often on Facebook. Check us out there for the most up-to-date info.

TVS schedule for 2025

We are open the 3rd weekend of every month, 8am-4pm, EXCEPT for *April and *December when we are open the 2nd weekend of the month as well as some extra holiday hours. In addition to our regularly scheduled weekends, keep checking back for pop up events! 

January 18 & 19-Winter Sale
February 15 & 16 

March 15 & 16 
*April 12 & 13   (open a weekend early)
May 17 & 18   
June 21 & 22 
July 19 & 20
August 16 & 17
September 20 & 21 -End of Summer SALE
October 18 & 19
November 15 & 16-Holiday Open House with Fresh Boxwood Wreaths
November 28-Black Friday!! And Fresh Boxwood Wreaths

November 29-Small Business Saturday!! And Fresh Boxwood Wreaths
*December 13 & 14-Fresh Boxwood Wreaths & Topiary Sale   (open a weekend early)

*Open 2nd Weekend, instead of 3rd!! 

Inventory Gallery...this is just a sampling of what we have in the shop!

Our inventory rotates quickly so we may, or may not, have these items in stock. The only way to know is to come to one of our scheduled weekends, check our most recent FB posts, IG, or to email me at [email protected]


We are next open, March 15 & 16, 8am-4pm for our Winter SALE!

Can't make it into the shop? No worries, after we open our doors on our Saturday, you can contact us to purchase via phone or make a separate appointment. Please love your purchase, as we have no returns.

For other buying opportunities, please follow us on FB. Here we post past inventory that can be purchased by appointment throughout the rest of the month.

Please refer to our FB page, The Vintage Source, or IG @thevintagesourcecompton to see a wider selection.


Sign up for our email list and stay up to date. Don't worry, we only send out two-three emails a month.


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